Liver Tonic
Canni-Tone liver tonic is fortified with yeast and vitamins. It works as a strong immunity booster as well antiviral as well. It is excellent product for all liver related issues. It also work as supportive product along with medication post operative or in disease condition. Contains all essential ingredients for optimum production
Each 10 ml contains
- Liver Fraction 31.25 gm
- Vitamin B12. 7.5 mcg
- Yeast extract 0.4 gm
- Nicotinic acid. 24 mg
- Herbal Liver
- Protector. q.s.
- Anorexia
- Hepatic damage and dysfunction
- Ascites & jaundice
- Toxicity associated with drugs and pesticides.
- Adjuvant in the management of canine and feline viral hepatitis, distemper & parvovirus infection.
Pack & Presentation
200 ml
Small breeds 2.5-5 ml daily
Large Breeds. 5-10 ml daily
Cats 3-5 ml daily
Can be altered according to breeds and/or severity of the condition
or as directed by your veterinarian