Natu Defence
promotes FCR, maintains growth
Natu Defence helps to maintain a disease-free state, aids as natural adaptogen, promotes FCR, maintains growth, enhances rejuvenation process and improves health, delays the ageing process and improves overall immunity.
- Calendic acid
- Emblinin
- Alicin
- Eugenol
- Cichoric acid
- Withanolides
- Ginsenoides.
- Improves immunity & growth
- Promote feed and nutrient absorption
- Reduces recovery period from disease
- Improves vaccination efficiency
- Decrease post vaccination stress
Pack & Presentation
1, 5 & 25 Kg
Powder for Poultry:
- 250 gm per ton of feed
Powder For Swine:
- 1-2 kg per ton of feed
- or as per direction of veterinarian consultant.